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宗旨 Purpose 


愿景 Vision

期待2123年庆祝我们的校友成立166周年。 To celebrate 166th CLAM anniversary in 2123。

使命  Mission 

提升和弘扬我们心爱的母校传统,并以各种方式支持未来的下一代。Promote and enhance our beloved school's legacy and support future generations in every possible way


Chung Ling Alumni Melbourne (also known as "CLAM") was established on 6 January 1957. It has been in existence and continues to remain active for approximately 65 years. CLAM was the first overseas alumni formed in Australia and one of the oldest global alumni established outside Malaysia.

CLAM was officially registered with Australian Securities and Investments Commission on 5 November 1999 in the eastern suburb of Doncaster East. Since its establishment, CLAM has grown to a size of approximately 100 members and is still growing.

CLAM represents one of the most active alumni overseas. One of its aims is to enhance the connections among members. CLAM has had strong Committee of Management whose members have been passionate and enthusiastic in organising various social gatherings and events for members and their families on an annual basis as well as providing guidance and assistance to new and existing members in every possible manner. The Committee Management are made up of members who are old boys of Chung Ling High School and enthusiastic volunteers who are willingly prepared to dedicate their time and make contributions to the alma mater.

CLAM serves as a platform for Chung Ling High School old boys living in Victoria, Australia who wish to remain connected to our beloved alma mater and with their fellow friends and schoolmates as well as endeavour to help the future generations to explore similar opportunities and positive experiences they had. CLAM offers a number of ways to members and Chung Ling High School old boys to give back, including donations and volunteer work opportunities.

The Alumni inspires to keep our beloved school’s legacy going and supports the future generations to have the opportunity to pursue a quality higher education which leads to a brighter future.

We would love to hear from you if you have any feedback or contribution that you would like to share with us in our community. Please do not hesitate to contact Us at


Chung Ling Alumni Melbourne(也称为“CLAM”)成立于 1957 年 1 月 6 日。它已经存在并继续活跃了大约 65 年。 CLAM是在澳大利亚成立的第一批海外校友,也是在马来西亚以外成立的历史最悠久的全球校友之一。

CLAM 于 1999 年 11 月 5 日在澳大利亚东郊 Doncaster East 正式注册。 自成立以来,CLAM 的规模已发展到约 100 名成员,并且还在不断壮大。

CLAM 代表了最活跃的海外校友之一。 其宗旨之一是加强成员之间的联系。 CLAM拥有强大的管理委员会,其成员每年都热情洋溢地为会员及其家人组织各种社交聚会和活动,并为新老会员提供无微不至的指导和帮助。 委员会管理层由钟灵中学的校友们和热心的志愿者组成,他们愿意为母校奉献自己的时间和贡献。

CLAM 为居住在澳大利亚维多利亚州钟灵中学的校友们提供了一个平台,他们希望与我们深爱的母校、他们的朋友和同学保持联系,并努力帮助后代探索类似的机会和积极的经历 他们有。 CLAM 为会员和钟灵中学校友们提供了多种回馈方式,包括捐款和志愿者工作机会。


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