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Member benefits

There are many benefits to join the CL-ANZA (Chung Ling Australia New Zealand Alumni). By joining us, you will be able to connect with tens or potentially hundreds of old boys of Chung Ling High School living in Australia and New Zealand.

You will also be informed timely of all events organised by the Alumni which include various social gatherings such as Chinese New Year, Mid-autumn Festival, etc. and major annual events. The Alumni is also planning to organise information-sharing talks/seminars across many industries which may include health care, property investments, financial planning, business start-up and many more from professional volunteers within the Alumni.

You may be a new migrant settling into Australia or New Zealand. You may be a student newly arrives to the country for a new chapter of life. The Alumni aims to provide you with a network filled with wealth of local contacts, knowledge and experience.

Come and join us today!

加入澳洲纽西兰钟灵校友会有很多好处。 通过加入我们,您将能够与居住在澳大利亚和纽西兰的钟灵校友们建立联系。

您还将及时获悉校友组织的所有活动,包括春节、中秋节等各种社交聚会和年度重大活动。 校友会还计划组织许多行业的信息共享讲座/研讨会,其中可能包括医疗保健、房地产投资、财务规划、创业等等,这些活动来自校友会的专业志愿者。

您可能是定居澳大利亚或纽西兰的新移民。你也可能是刚抵达这国家开启人生新篇章的学生。 校友会希望为您提供一个充满本地联系、知识和经验的网络。


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Chung Ling Australia New Zealand Alumni

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