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Step 1 - Register as a member is a simple process. To start, please click the "Join Us" button at the top.

Step 2 - Enter your email address then tick the checkbox "I am not a Robot". This is to prevent fradulous web-bot from the Internet submitting invalid data to our systems. Click "Next" to proceed to the next step. 

Step 3 - Enter your information. The mandatory fields are marked with * (red asterick). We encourage you to enter and provide as much information as possible. This helps us to network effectively among us within the Alumni. In addition, this helps us to manage our communication to the members more accurately in the future.

After entering the form, at the end, please tick the acknowledgement of the Privacy Policy and click "Next".

Step 4 - Review the information you have entered by scrolling through the page. Upon confirming the information, click "Confirm".

Step 5 - You should receive two emails. One email to inform you that we have received your submission and one of the committee member will review and accept the registration.  The second email is to provide you with information to sign in to your personal portal. 

Step 6 - After your registration is reviewed and accepted, the system sends you an email to confirm the acceptance.

Thank You for registering with the Alumni. We look forward with your support and participation, we will have a thriving Alumni into the future. 

Chung Ling Australia New Zealand Alumni

© 2024 Chung Ling Australia New Zealand Alumni.

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